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gate v. to arrest (for the same crime) a prisoner just released under parole; to hold a prisoner beyond the period when parole would ordinarily be permitted. Editorial Note: This term is specific to Canada. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

barbecue stopper

barbecue stopper  n.— «Maybe if we’re lucky, there will be a religious nut who will stand as an independent and be a BBQ stopper for the Republican party. Nothing would please me more than seeing the Republican party split into factions...


DYKWIA  n.— «I’m only speculating here, but given everything else I’ve ever read about Martha, I wonder if she fell victim to DYKWIA Syndrome—”Do you know who I am?” I have relatives in law enforcement, and I could easily...

water boarding

water boarding  n.— «There’s what I call the WaterHood, also known as “water boarding’ or the “watercure,” where interrogators shove a prisoner’s head in abarrel of water and make him think he’s drowning. Actually, heis...

water boarding

water boarding  n.— «In the case of Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, a high-level detainee who is believed to have helped plan the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, C.I.A. interrogators used graduated levels of force, including a technique known as...