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stunt  v.— «Anthony Johnson, 14, said not having girls around for freshman year “takes the pressure off.” “We don’t have to what I call “stunt” in front of the girls,” he said. “The only thing the...

landing gear

landing gear  v. phr.— «He plugs the air line, emergency line and electrical cables from the cab to the trailer, cranks up the “landing gear” that keeps the trailer moored to the ground, rechecks tags to make sure he’s got the...


squish  n.— «Giuliani is also a pragmatist, which is not to be confused with what rock-ribbed conservative ideologues refer to as a squish. A squish is a moderate—someone who caves to liberal pressure for no reason other than lack of...


throw  n.— «The new keyboard lacks throw, more commonly referred to as key travel, which means that keys require less pressure to engage.» —“The Apple Core: Review: Apple’s new keyboards (Verdict: Atrocious)” by Jason...

hip hike

hip hike  n.— «Over the last three decades, Selmer was resigned to feeling pressure on his upper leg when he walked. He never imagined it could be different. The “hip hike,” pain, as it is called, is corrected by the PROPRIO’s...

bootleg trail

bootleg trail  n.— «No one knows who cut the first bootleg trails. By definition it would have to be after 1937, when the first rope tow was erected on Mt. Mansfield. If charging for a lift lent a certain legitimacy to the sport, it also...