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jughead  n.— «There has long been a rivalry between the “runners” as the thoroughbreds are more commonly called, and the “jugheads” which running horse people sometimes call standardbreds.» —“Jockeys at great...

hair on it

hair on it  v. phr.— «TOO HAIRY. Perhaps the biggest potential woe in a WorldCom asset deal: A new owner would still be liable for any fines levied by the government. And a large fine or indictment of senior management or the company as a...

beachfront property

beachfront property  n.— «It is referred to as the last beachfront property in the wireless world—a prized swath of spectrum that is about to be sold at federal auction. And it has touched off an intense lobbying effort pitting cellular...


slipping  n.— «In the old days, lookouts had to run several blocks to relay their surveillance information; now it’s relayed in a matter of seconds. And it’s not just the whereabouts of a potential murder victim, it’s whether the potential...

liar’s loan

liar’s loan  n.— «With the advent of “no-doc” and “stated-income” loans—sometimes dubbed the “liar’s loan”—versus full-income disclosure, lenders increasingly face potential exposure to a smorgasbord of...

CSI effect

CSI effect  n.— «Lawyers, for their part, are taking steps to counter what they call the “C.S.I. effect,” when juries become overly impressed by forensic evidence. During jury selection, it is not uncommon for them to ask potential jurors...