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fart in a mitten

fart in a mitten  n.— «Sure sounds funny to the wife and me to hear our grandchildren spittin’ out the Portuguese to one another and them no bigger than a fart in a mitten.» —by Alden Nowlan Various Persons Named Kevin O’Brien: A...


shi-shi n. urine or urination. Also make shi-shi or go shi-shi ‘to urinate.’ Editorial Note: Reduplicated shi, from the Japanese shiko ‘urine.’ Also imitative of the sound of streaming water. A similar expression occurs in Portuguese, according to...


half-past-six  adj.— «The fairer elite (those who are descended from Europeans) are known as “the upper 10.” At the other extreme are the Portuguese-Eurasians with Malaccan roots who belong to the “half-past six” or...


Portowop  n.— «He called himself “Portowop”—a blend of the derogatory terms for Portuguese and Italians—and he talked loudly and drank freely.» —“Brogi’s last cast” by John Driscoll Times...


futsal n. an organized form of indoor soccer. Etymological Note: Spanish fútbol ‘football; soccer’ (or Portuguese futebol) + sala ‘(large) room’ (or Portuguese salão) (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

Jorge Arbusto

Jorge Arbusto  n.— «A Mãe Natureza dá uma mãozinha e ajuda a ridicularizar (ainda mais) o presidente Jorge Arbusto. Thank you Mother Nature.» —“Jorge Arbusto” by Single White Male Single White...