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steppable  n.— Â«In many instances, consumers are a step ahead of the market. Elaine Morgan, 64, said she was researching drought-resistant plants and “steppables,” low ground cover which requires less maintenance and water than grass but...


cybridization  n.— Â«An experimental method called cybridization transfers a gene for sterility into seedy varieties, rendering them seedless more efficiently than the shotgun approach used in irradiation.» â€”“Seedless Fruits Make...


supreme v. to remove the skin, pith, membranes, and seeds of a citrus fruit and separate its wedges. Also as noun, a wedge of citrus fruit. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)


cat-faced  n.— Â«Cool winter weather or high soil moisture canlead to a shift toward femalness, where the stamens fuse to the carpels or ovary wall. The resulting fruits become severely ridged (carpelloid, or “cat-faced”) and...

cat face

cat face  n.— Â«Atzet stopped again, to drill into the bulging bark of a cat-faced sugar pine. The cat face is a ring of bulging bark that has grown to heal a scar left by a fire. Because the healing bark is loaded with pitch, it tends to...

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