bullet catcher n.— «We don’t like to use the term “bodyguard.”…t’s an antiquated term and you have a picture of a muscle-bound guy in an ill-fitting suit who is sort of lumbering in the background. We have a term for those...
red-celling n.— «To help companies prepare for such scenarios, Martin recommends a process known as red-celling. By gathering together key employees and setting them the task of working out how they would go about attacking the company...
loosely wrapped adj.— «We should take note that these enemies have stated they want to die in order to lay around with 72 virgins. Any religion that promises that is as loosely wrapped as their adherents.» —“‘Today’ Sees Things...
faint hope clause n.— «Olson owned up to his culpability in 1982 when B.C. authorities agreed to give Olson’s wife $10,000 for each child he killed in exchange for telling them where their bodies and personal effects were. In 1997, Olson...
taffy-pull terrain n.— «This Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) image shows an example of the extremely odd, seemingly scrambled layered rocks exposed by erosion near the deepest part of the deepest basin on Mars, Hellas...
ringer T n.— «Picture a T-shirt with trim around the collar—what the industry calls a ringer T—but the trim isn’t just done in a contrasting color. It’s cashmere.» —“American Eagle opens store aimed at older set” by Teresa...