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butter and eggs

butter and eggs  n.— «Clara K. Click, 40, of 117 Lincoln street, was arrested when lottery books, used to play the butter and eggs, were discovered in her home.» —“Lottery Raids Pay Dividencs” by L.F. Amburn, Jr...

congestion pricing

congestion pricing  n.— «It is an idea that has been successful in London, and is now being whispered around City Hall after months of behind-the-scenes work by the Partnership for New York City, the city’s major business association:...


stiff  v.— «It didn’t make a damn to him if “Prizzi’s Honor” didn’t please the critics or if it stiffed at the box office.» —“Night’s Sleep Small Price to Pay for Chat With Smilin’ Jack” by Gene...

rocking chair job

rocking chair job  n.— «One way to finance a rise in wages, he said, would be to get rid of secretaries to secretaries, rocking chair jobs and jobs that overlapped.» —“Urge Pay Increase Before Aldermen” New York...


futsal  n.— «Like most South Americans, the Uruguayan midfield genius played Futsal (or Indoor Soccer) ONLY until the age of 17.» —“‘Pay-Up’ Blitz On NSL Clubs” by Johnny Warren Sun Herald (Australia) Sept...

bahl gorms

bahl gorms  n.— «The “Boontling” Knox refers to is a sort of argot or private language valley locals developed in the late 19th and early 20th centuries using the syntax of English but substituting parts for wholes or referring...