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chicken-winging  n.— «I get up these routes with little difficulty and practice the rock-climbing techniques of stemming, jamming, crack climbing and chimneying. I even do a technique called chicken-winging, where I press my elbow and palm...


sassywood  n.— «About 50 people in the village of Klay, northwestern Liberia, recently gathered to watch a man apply red-hot metal to the limbs of four youths accused of robbery. The man dipped a machete in a concoction of water, palm oil...

sky weed

sky weed  n.— «Happy Valley had two other pluses: the absence of a homeowners association, “which adds another layer of bureaucracy and red tape,” and a dearth of palm trees (“sky weeds,” as Schroeder calls them)...

hurricane cut

hurricane cut  n.— «Removing flower and fruit clusters is also fine. This debris can be messy and also potentially hazardous. This removal also reduces the number of weedy palm seedlings that could sprout up around the base. Overpruning...

speed money

speed money  n.— «Another term widely used at border crossings is “expediting fee.” For a euphemism it is surprisingly accurate: paying it will keep your bags, and perhaps your contraband, from being dumped onto a floor and sifted...


broham  n.— «“This here’s my main man, ‘Broham.'” He held out his palm to Leon and said, “Give me five Brohammer. What’s goin awn?”» —by Carmen O. Melillo Love, Blood, & Honor Aug. 13, 2002. (source:...