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The Origin of “Mall” in Shopping Mall

The word mall, as in shopping mall, has traveled a long and winding path, beginning with the Italian game of pallamaglio, which was played with a ball and a mallet. The name of the game found its way into French as pallemaille, which in turn became...

Episode 1382

Catbird Seat

Online recaps of Mad Men or Breaking Bad can be as much fun as the shows themselves. So why not recap classic literature — like, say, Dante’s Inferno? A literary website is doing just that. And, you’ve heard about the First World and the...

Fashionable Street

Shopping malls take their name from the fashionable street now known as Pall Mall in London’s St. James area. The game of pall-mall, which involves hitting a ball with a wooden mallet, was once played there. This is part of a complete episode.

pain point

pain point  n.— «The falling dollar is a threat. We’ve reached the pain point.» —“The Dollar Is Casting A Widening Pall Over Europe” by Blanca Riemer et al. BusinessWeek (42) Feb. 8, 1988. (source: Double...


de-scope  v.— «But Pall said the term Watkins wanted was “de-scope,” which means the Navy is taking another look at work needed on the project.» —“Navy Staying With Plant” Daily Oklahoman (Oklahoma...