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pay-or-waive  n.— «In a nutshell, Washington’s I-933 says that when government regulation reduces a property’s value—or the potential value of uses of the property—the government should either pay the property owner for the...


boda-boda  n.— «It costs a mere 20 shillings (about R3) to travel across Kisumu on a bicycle; matatu rates are double that. And, bikes are everywhere—the ringing of their bells and the crunch of wheels on dirt the dominant sounds in towns...

straw buyer

straw buyer  n.— «An illegal land flip is a two-part transaction involving the transfer of a piece of real estate that is sold to a straw buyer for the fair market value, and then resold to an end buyer at an inflated value, often using...


troquero  n.— «Unlike the common vision of a trucker, an old white man wearing a cowboy hat drinking a big gulp full of coffee, most truckers in LA are Latino, some are women, and most speak Spanish. They call themselves troqueros...


FSBO  n.— «There, at 29 Tiffany Place, inside apartment 6L, is a family daring to make a go of selling their apartment without the aid of a seller’s real estate broker—a move known in the parlance as a For Sale By Owner listing (or FSBO...

castle doctrine

castle doctrine  n.— «The Rawls shooting is a poster child case for proponents of what has come to be called the “castle doctrine”—the notion founded in British common law that one’s home is one’s castle and that the owner of...