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Happy Intergalactic Star Wars Day!

Happy Intergalactic Star Wars Day! May the 4th (Be with You)! Did we really just say that? Okay, on to our own latest episode: "Like Death Eating a Cracker" features silly ways to tell time, like Bob o’clock (8:08), Big o’clock...


aquaponics  n.— «Susan Mahan and Steve Stansloski of Ocala volunteer with the foundation, which uses a method called aquaponics. The organization grows tilapia and vegetables together using hydroponics in a cyclical system.» —“Fish...


NOMbie  n.—Gloss: A member of the National Organization for Marriage, NOM, which campaigns against gay marriage. «The previously covered equality bigots “National Organization for Marriage” launched their “Religious Liberty Ad Campaign”...

Elvis in a Cheese Sandwich (full episode)

What does dog hair have to do with hangover cures? Also, where’d we ever get a word like “dude”? And what’s the word for when unexpected objects form a recognizable image, like a cloud that looks like a bunny, or the image of Elvis...

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