mansionization n.— «I believe that mansionization will not be a tough issue. The town clearly wants no more Mar Vista-sized houses. even those who have been reluctant to place speci ic limits in our antimansionization ordinance now seem...
Michigan U-turn n.— «The mere proposal to eliminate the planned overpass in favor of what’s called a “Michigan U-turn” system sparked outrage by West Beaches and Beaches resident groups and elected officials who waged a...
who laid the rail adv. phr.— «I found the yard full of neighbors, who had organzied themselves into a kind of indignation meeting, in which the city fathers, mothers, sisters, cousins and aunts were abused from who laid the rail...
who laid the rail adv. phr. in the forms from or to or until or for or since who laid the rail: with all possible speed, force, or action; completely, thoroughly, excessively, endlessly, limitlessly; quickly; forever, always, since time immemorial...
double-dead adj.— «Double-Dead Meat—refers to carcasses, parts thereof, of food animals or poultry that are already dead, but are still slaughtered and offered for sale to innocent market goers.» —“Ordinance No. 2005...
daylighting n.— «The rationale for not allowing anything to be built within the setback of a culvert on private property, is that some day the culvert should be opened and the creek restored, a process known as “daylighting...