junque n.— «There is junk mail and there is junque mail, the classy kind whose entertainment value far exceeds its bulk rate status.» —“Junk Mail Delivers Odd Offer” by J.E. McReynolds Daily Oklahoman (Oklahoma...
de-scope v.— «But Pall said the term Watkins wanted was “de-scope,” which means the Navy is taking another look at work needed on the project.» —“Navy Staying With Plant” Daily Oklahoman (Oklahoma...
two and barbecue other.— «Going “two and barbecue,” which meant losing two consecutive games in the traditional double-elimination tournament format, was always disappointing, but long-time observers knew that was “just...
two-and-barbecue other.— «The Lutes were 0-2 and out the past two years at nationals. “Lose two and barbecue. That’s what we called it.”» —“Pacific Blanks Kearney Stout Slams Solo Homer in 9th” by Mike...
whoa break v. phr.— «If Lantz could “whoa break” my 3-year-old son as well as he did the pups, I would be glad to pay the training bill.» —“Quail season off to good start” by Bob Bledsoe Tulsa...
paros n.pl.— «My parents (“paros” in Kenyan boarding school slang) returned from India for a three month visit.» —“Am I Dead?” by Becky Pith, Marrow, and Coffee Spoons (Oklahoma) May 9, 2006...