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donk  n.— «“Donks” are the street name for 1970s land barges like Caprices and Cadillacs, riding on 22-inch-plus wheels.» —“Donks, Boxes & Bubbles” by Scott Blair Review Online (Akron, Ohio) Jan...


authenticitude  n.— «Nonchalance about fake goods is so prevalent among teenagers that marketers even have a word for it, said Michael Wood, president of Teen Research Unlimited. “Authenticitude” refers to the teen belief that...

sky buster

sky buster
 n.— «Servatious poked out the sky buster and when it came down Servy was on second.» —“Champs Shove Us Down The Ladder” Newark Daily Advocate (Ohio) Sept. 7, 1907. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)


who-laid-the-rail  adv. phr.— «He said he was a Willkie man to who-laid-the-rail, but that unfortunately he was afflicted with asthma, which was responsible for the hissing.» —“The Brighter Side” by Damon...


retail  adj.— «“My basic position on this is that the more forward-leaning arguments should also be made,” Spindelman said. “This does not mean that they have to be the only ones that are made. Lawyers can argue “in the alternative.” It is...

death by a thousand paper cuts

death by a thousand paper cuts  n.— «“My basic position on this is that the more forward-leaning arguments should also be made,” Spindelman said. “This does not mean that they have to be the only ones that are made. Lawyers can argue “in...

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