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thrival  n.—Gloss: doing well in a place, at an occupation, or at an undertaking; the act of thriving. «Adulthood is about “thrival,” not so much survival, as we are no longer vulnerable to adults as we were when we were minor children...

anti-fit denim

anti-fit denim  adj.— «“Making trips to these cities, purchasing merchandise and supplying them to markets in Calcutta has been my occupation for the past eight months,” says Sajan, in a white T-shirt and blue anti-fit denims...


tripper  n.— «He is a “tripper”—carrier in lay man’s parlance—who visits Bangkok and Hong Kong to get jeans, shoes, ladies’ tops, T-shirts, memory cards and iPods, which find their way to the retail racks in Five Star Market in...

Stephen Girard job

Stephen Girard job n. a task or occupation comprised of make-work or busywork; a repetitive undertaking. Editorial Note: This term does not appear to have ever been common. Thanks to Bill Simon of Garvey Schubert Barer for suggesting this term...


shotta  n.— «“Shottas,” a slick but dull new shoot-’em-up from Jamaica, doesn’t penetrate the mysteries of high-rolling, high-risk thug life. It perpetuates them. In the local patois, the title means “gangsta,” and...