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cast eye

cast eye  n.— «The Jamaica/Cuba Eye Care Programme is to target children who are affected with Strabismus, commonly referred to as “cast eye,” through an extensive outreach.» —“Cuba eye care project to target ‘cast eye’...

finger trouble

finger trouble  n.— «The same quality has been designated “systematic diligence” elsewhere. Some radar observers exhibit “finger trouble” in tuning…» —by Stuart W. Cook Psychological research on...

family photo

family photo  n.— «The Foreign Office immediately rang the mobiles of Kim Darroch, the Foreign Office head of news, and Alistair Campbell, Blair’s press secretary. The politicians were just heading off for an EU family photo session. Blair...

drone car

drone car  n.— «Drone cars, as they’re called, were out in force this Memorial Day weekend. The driverless cruisers, parked along busy freeways, slow speeders merely by their presence.» —“Empty patrol cars make roads...


cledalism  n.— «Salvador Dali, for example, defined flight as “the most spectacular expression of the sexual impulse.” And when he had to define that same sexual impulse, he coined the term “cledalism.” This...

creeping crud

creeping crud  n.— «Mel Foster offered “Creeping Crud” but it was rejected by the observer as “too mushy.” Then Perry said, “Well, why don’t we just call you…[an obscenity], and everybody laughed...