Quiz Guy John Chaneski’s puzzle is all about substituting the letter B for a certain letter that falls between the letters O and Q. For example, if you’re substituting the letter B for that particular letter, what would you call the...
Quiz Guy John Chaneski has devised another take-off puzzle, meaning that taking off the first letter of a word results in a second word. This time, the initial letter is the letter O. For example, if someone has unlatched the gate to the pigsty...
Inspired by the biological process of cell division, Quiz Guy John Chaneski came up with a puzzle in which a vowel inside a word divides into two, as in the words cot and coot. If E and O are the only vowels that might replicate, guess what pair of...
What does the O’ in Irish names like O’Malley or O’Riley mean? This is part of a complete episode.