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door-knocker n. a ticket, slip, or note left to indicate a visit or delivery was attempted but nobody answered the door. Editorial Note: Thanks to Joe Clark for suggesting today’s entry. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)


walkshed n. the area that can be conveniently reached on foot from a geographic point. Editorial Note: See note about “-shed” at viewshed. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)


petbull  n.— «Pit bull enthusiasts, who sometimes refer to the dogs as “petbulls,” devote Web sites to changing perceptions about the animal. They note that one of the most beloved dogs of television and film fame—Petey of...

oil spotted

oil spotted  v.— «For us roadies, truck stops provide a place to frolic, shop and occasionally get left behind. Being left behind is called “oil spotted” in roadie speak. No one truly knows the origin of the term but evidence...

loosely wrapped

loosely wrapped  adj.— «We should take note that these enemies have stated they want to die in order to lay around with 72 virgins. Any religion that promises that is as loosely wrapped as their adherents.» —“‘Today’ Sees Things...

bragging board

bragging board  n.— «Part of the celebration includes what many refer to as a “bragging board,” which consists of several postcards and notes from various departments throughout the hospital thanking the housekeeping staff for doing such...

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