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magic Negro

magic Negro n. a real or fictional Black person who, especially in deference to White people, is perceived as non-threatening and servile, and appears to have a special ability to help White people. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

magical black man

magical black man  n.— «“Angel Levine” introduces us to another flying Jew, without feathers, this time simply black, a magical black man, Alexander Levine, by name, but by narrational locution, “the Negro.”…Where...

magic Negro

magic Negro  n.— «The enabling mechanism of this conversion is our old friend from “50s liberal movies, the Magic Negro, as descended from Sidney Poitier in “The Defiant Ones.” His job is to prevent the white man from...

magic Negro

magic Negro  n.— «Unlike the typical bluesy earth folksy denim-overalls noble-in-the-face-of-cracker-racism aw shucks Pulitzer Prize-winning protagonist mojo black man, I am not the seventh son of a seventh son of a seventh son. » —by...


redshirting  v.— «Under the guise of individual differences, meeting individual needs, continuous progress, humanistic education, and now kindergarten redshirting, we have sought to justify shortchanging the children of poor and minorities...

black scale

black scale  n.— «The pentatonic scale is sometimes called the black scale, as so many Negro spirituals are pentatonic: “Swing Low, Sweet Chariot” and “Deep River” were named. (I happen to know that...