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plyometrics  n.— «Coaches are taught how to make the most out of an athlete through the development of speed, correct weight lifting techniques, nutrition, and plyometrics, a bounding technique to increase speed and power, he said...

Bugs Bunny changeup

Bugs Bunny changeup  n.— «The newest entry into the baseball vernacular is “Bugs Bunny changeup.” Translation: It rushes up to the plate and then suddenly stops. Sarver fed the Gamecocks carrots and lettuce all night...


gank  n.— «Distributors became upset at him for selling “gank”—bad crack. » —“Big Plans, No Patience James Burnett Let Ambition Turn to Greed” by Joy Powell World-Herald (Omaha, Neb.) July 27...


plusing  n.— «The agency will be marked, he said, “by what Disney called ‘plusing.’ When a client comes to us he will have certain expectations. If we ‘plus’ that, when he leaves he will say, ‘Boy, I got more from that than I thought...