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Ecozoic  n.— «In [Rev. Thomas] Berry’s view, the planet is moving out of the 65-million-year Cenozoic era, during which the major developments of life occurred, into a new uncertain age he calls the Ecozoic. “The major developments...

circuit bending

circuit bending  n.— «Circuit-bending reinforces the unique characteristics of physical instrumentation, without which discourse among electronic musicians might end up becoming little more than the sharing of home-coded subroutines (or...

bouma shape

bouma shape  n.— «In visual terms, a word is distinguished by its characters’ relation to the white space surrounding it and the nature of its letter face (for instance, small thin strokes are common to handwriting, and thick short strokes...


smokist  n.— «The North may have its Unionists and Nationalists, but now there are “smokists” and “anti-smokists” in the Republic of Ireland, she explained, creating her own terminology to capture the raw political...

fairy ring

fairy ring  n.— «Property values, neighborhood competition and the challenge of nature aside, the suburban pysche will not rest while the hairy chinch bug and the fairy ring fungus are at work.» —“The price of success in the lawn care...

natural capitalism

natural capitalism  n.— «In the effort to create a greener economic system, some theorists—starting with University of Florida zoologist C.S. Holling—are seeking to define an economic value for nature. Costanza describes what he calls...