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slug  n.— «Some processes occur very slowly and the amount of moisture in the natural gas does not change rapidly. In other cases, moisture spikes or “slugs” as they are called can occur with highly detrimental effects.» —“Factors to...


Manhattan-henge  n.— «“It’s almost eerie to look at the reflections of sunlight off the north side and south side of the street,” said Neil deGrasse Tyson, director of the Hayden Planetarium at the American Museum of Natural History...

auroral chorus

auroral chorus  n.— «The South Island of New Zealand and the Tierra del Fuego region of South America, plus the Antarctic Peninsula, are where the good displays of Aurora and auroral chorus can be seen and heard.» —“Part 2 of 3...


honking  adj.— «Mrs.Phillip J. King decided she’d take the candlestick off the mantel, the big ugly honking thing I’d already given to Deputy Dale.» —by T.R. Pearson Glad News of the Natural World Apr. 18, 2005. (source:...

natural capitalism

natural capitalism  n.— «Natural capitalism recognizes the critical interdependency between the production and use of human-made capital and the maintenance and supply of natural capital.…Natural capital, made up of resources...

natural capitalism

natural capitalism  n.— «Biomimicry and “Natural Capitalism” are other terms that describe a similar approach to creating products that work with nature.» —“A Business Built on Biomimicry” by Rona...