retronovation n.— «Retronovation n. The conscious process of mining the past to produce methods, ideas, or products which seem novel to the modern mind. Some recent examples include Pepsi Throwback’s use of real sugar, Pepsi...
port shopping n.— «Port shopping occurs when an import shipment is rejected by FDA officials, the exporter simply ships those products to another port of entry hoping to be one of the 97% that are not inspected.» —“FDA Proposal for...
A Wisconsin woman is trying to remember a term for paths in the grass created by pedestrians taking shortcuts. Grant has an answer for her, straight from the jargon of urban planning professionals. The caller also wants recommendations for a good...
blessing-way n.— « My midwife does a blessing-way in which she rubs sacred blue cornmeal on my feet as a sign of supplication to the mother-to-be. » —“Re: Natural Childbirth was GREAT!!!” by Colette Usenet:
Pennsylvania tuxedo n.— «To deer hunters in Pennsylvania and beyond, it introduced the Classic Hunt Coat. Combined with matching snow pants—in open black-on-deep-cherry-red “Heritage Plaid”—it was the uniform of the day for those pursuing...
facial leakage n.— «Natural emotions are instantaneous, which makes them difficult to fake. When Auntie pops round at Christmas to give you your 18th pair of socks, you look pleased and surprised because anything else would be rude. But...