Home » Muffin


Muffin Anti-Joke

The tradition of the German antiwitz or anti-joke includes a groaner that starts with a couple of muffins sitting in an oven. When one muffin complains about the heat, the other muffin exclaims incredulously, “Oh my god, a talking muffin...

Green’s Dictionary of Slang

Can you guess what a smiley is? No, the other smiley. Or how about tarantula juice? You could, of course, happen upon someone with a muffin top drinking inferior whisky, or you could look these terms up in the new Green’s Dictionary of Slang...

“Three and a Match” Quiz

Quiz Guy John Chaneski puzzle this week is called “Three and a Match.” The challenge is to figure out three words from a common category—say, nationalities—that go with each of the three clues he mentions. If, for example, three clues...

muffin top

muffin top n. rolls of flesh bulging over a waistband. Editorial Note: This term was nominated as one of the words of the year, voted on by the American Dialect Society January 6, 2006. It did not win. This term may have first been popularized by...