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stunna  n.— «Reggie, in his own mind, was a great stunna—not a number one Stunna—but he was a great stunna on the bike. And Kels was an up and coming stunna, eager and ready to ride. “All we did was stunnin. All we did was practice...


stunnin  n.— «Reggie, in his own mind, was a great stunna—not a number one Stunna—but he was a great stunna on the bike. And Kels was an up and coming stunna, eager and ready to ride. “All we did was stunnin. All we did was practice...

elective cinema

elective cinema  n.— «Ross’s friend Walter Salles, who directed “The Motorcycle Diaries,” and who first suggested the Brazil trip to him, coined the term “elective cinema”: in the cyclorama you’d have to choose which section of the screen...

refugee bag

refugee bag  n.— «All packed into a refugee bag (those large striped bags for a couple of dollars that you throw away when you arrive).» —“Planning The Fourth Section” by Peter Forwood, Kay Forwood Round The World Trip...

refugee bag

refugee bag  n.— «A two week visa on arrival for $US 14.00, cursory customs, only interested in why we had so many motorcycle parts, and again concerned about why a tourist would be using the disposable red, white and blue refugee bags for...

crouch rocket

crouch rocket  n.— «Dozens of drivers in Newport News found themselves stunned Saturday afternoon as a motorcycle raced toward them at a a high rate of speed. Al Winall was one of those drivers. “All of a sudden I looked up and one...