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whale  n.— «In the old days, Taylor remembers making piles, or “whales” as they’re called in the business, of snow so heavy he had to blast them apart with dynamite to move the snow around the hill for grooming.» —“Great...

barmuda triangle

barmuda triangle  n.— «DeVerniero opened Pauly’s Pub & Grill at 119 N. Broadway in February 1997, saying that the six bars in a two block “barmuda triangle” downtown would feed off each other and foster night life in the...


Y2Y  n.— «The long-range agenda behind the environmentalist’s effort to move grizzlies into the Selway-Bitterroot ecosystem is a part of a movement to develop a corridor that could link populations of bears all the way from Alaska to the...

bucket biologist

bucket biologist  n.— «The balance of nature in every lake is so fine that an ignorant bucket biologist has the potential to plunder and vandalize a fishery.…Bucket biologists are hard at work all over the country. Walleyes are being...

Midland Empire

Midland Empire  n.— «A true hub city and gateway to the West, Billings has become the commercial, health care, and cultural capital of the “Midland Empire,” a vast area of agricultural, mountainous, wilderness, and sometimes...


flamboozle  v.— «Patrick Swayze said in an interview that he (Swayze) was proud of his 5-acre farm in California and was flamboozled (probably not his exact words :-)) when he heard that Gibson had bought 17,000 acres in Montana...