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A Year of Words

Hockey mom? Staycation? Recessionista? What’s your choice for Word of the Year 2008? Also, what expression do you use to describe when it’s raining but the sun is still shining?


hand-over-hand  n.— «He seemed to like doing that too, even though to get him to paste the words on oak tag, the teacher had to use a technique called “hand-over-hand,” which is just about as discouraging as it sounds...

Words of the Year (full episode)

In this episode, Grant offers a peek at some expressions he’s nominating for the American Dialect Society’s 2007 Word of the Year vote in January, 2008. Will it be w00t, subprime, or something else? You can also check out Grant’s...


momager  n.— «Kris said she advocated the Playboy shoot for business reasons—not only is she Kim’s mom, she’s also her manager, or as she calls it, her “momager.”» —“The Kardashians: Bradys Meet Reality TV” by...

mom job

mom job  n.— «Mommy surgery appeals both as a quick fix for stubborn postpregnancy weight and as a way to control aging itself. Dozens of doctors devote parts of their Web sites to the mom job, including Dr. Lloyd M. Krieger, a plastic...

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