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sontag  n.— «How describe Susan Sontag? She was essayist, novelist, critic, director, celebrity, feuilletonist in the best/worst European fashion…No one description applies, and no one job category would sum her up; she was kind of...


Yorkal  n.— «York students created a new word for pencil, revealed at Friday’s assembly: Yorkal.» —“In Our Schools: Master one language, invent another” by Howard Buck The Columbian (Clark County,  Wash...


frindle  n.— «The award-winning book’s star, in defiance of his dictionary-worshipping teacher, invents and spreads his own word for the common pen: Frindle.» —“In Our Schools: Master one language, invent another” by Howard...


flairing  n.— «Steve Rodwell, a 29-year-old who is also a Sydney-based beverage consultant, explains that a flare master does flairing, which is balancing, catching, flipping, spinning or throwing bar products and tools—bottles, glasses...


riggwelted  adj.— «When once asked by a government official how teachers were adapting to the latest set of changes to the national curriculum, he said he thought they were “fair riggwelted.” That, as one small boy explained to...


backpacker  n.— «If you wanna battle, nerdy-ass backpacker style and see who can throw out the most obscure, old-school, underground, unheard of ass joints then step right up son, you will lose quick, fast in a hurry. I know it taxes your...