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magic Negro

magic Negro  n.— «This is a head-shaker. Imus gets canned for calling some college women basketball players “nappy-headed hos” and yet Rush Limbaugh plays “Barack The Magic Negro” on his show and he is still on the...

magic Negro

magic Negro  n.— «The enabling mechanism of this conversion is our old friend from “50s liberal movies, the Magic Negro, as descended from Sidney Poitier in “The Defiant Ones.” His job is to prevent the white man from...


wireline  adj.— «It will let your computer take advantage of information and services on different kinds of networks, in different brands of computers, on both wireline and wireless media, all over the world.» —“General Magic Inc...


witchy-poo  n.— «This is not scary, witchy-poo magic. This is whimsical, fun, life-is-a-delicious-treat magic.» —“A very special place” by Jeff Westbrook Whiskey Rebellion Mar. 7, 2007. (source: Double-Tongued...

Nigerian luggage

Nigerian luggage  n.— «For example some cab drivers in Britain tend to want to make a distinction between regular luggage and what they refer to as “Nigerian luggage”—a cheeky reference to our penchant for buying up entire...

box jumper

box jumper  n.— «I hate enclosed spaces, which people find amazing because in illusions I’m pushing other people into boxes or tight little spaces. People who get into those contraptions are called box jumpers and that’s something that I...