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buzzards’ luck

buzzards’ luck  n.— «I’m still convinced we have a very good team, capable of beating anyone on a given day, but we’re justing having buzzards’ luck. Everything that happens seems to be a disaster.» —“There’s Nothing Super About...

buzzard luck

buzzard luck  n.— «Olympic Sports Car association presents “Buzzard Luck II” (gimmick-coursemarker rally…).» —“Motor Sports Calendar” Oakland Tribune (California) Apr. 15, 1971. (source: Double...

buzzard’s luck

buzzard’s luck  n.— «“Everyone who’s heard me has liked me, it’s just that most people didn’t hear me.…It was rarely anything I did—I wasn’t having fits in sessions or refusing to go on the road or strung out on anything—just bad...

Edward 40-hands

Edward 40-hands  n.— «Some games are based on luck and revolve around cards and dice. A few are simply organized binges, like “Edward 40-Hands,” in which players tape 40-ounce malt liquor bottles to their hands.» —“As...

flippy cup

flippy cup  n.— «Some games are based on luck and revolve around cards and dice.…Others, like flippy cup and beer pong, take a little skill.» —“As Young Adults Drink to Win, Marketers Join In” by Jeffrey...


snakebite  v.— «Temple over Toledo—Hard luck Owls shake the snakebite.» —“Pitt Picked to Lose, Yale to Take Penn” by Ralph Bernstein in Philadelphia Gettysburg Times (Pa.) Nov. 9, 1962. (source: Double...