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tote a note

tote a note v. phr. to finance a loan; in automobile sales, used attributively to connote dealer-financed loans for used cars. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)


conso-loan  n.— «All members of the Government Service Insurance System (GSIS) may now avail of the new GSIS loan procedure known as consolidated salary loan otherwise known as conso-loan.» —“Gov’t personnel now enjoy GSIS conso...


twazzock  n.— «All he can do is invite us to examine our responses to two statements: “Your son-in-law needs a loan,” versus “Your daughter’s boyfriend neads a loan.” According to Murray, “that’s the...

have hair

have hair  v. phr.— «The assets that bid include both nonperforming subprime and performing mortgages that Mr. Roth says “have hair on them.” (A loan that has “hair” has been kicked out because of underwriting or...

round trip transaction

round trip transaction  n.— «According to prosecutors, Stockman lied to banks about the firm’s financial condition, inducing them to loan the company money it couldn’t repay. He engaged in “round trip” transactions that...

liar’s loan

liar’s loan n. money borrowed from a financial institution under false pretenses, especially in the form of a “stated income” or “no-doc” loan which can permit a borrower to exaggerate income. (source: Double-Tongued...