TagLexington, Kentucky

Not My Circus, Not My Monkeys

Charlie in Lexington, Kentucky, says his wife, who’s from the eastern part of the state, uses a peculiar phrase to indicate that something’s not her responsibility: Not my circus, not my monkeys. This dismissive saying is at least 30...

It Must Have Been A Lie

Rachel in Lexington, Kentucky, says her dad had a ready response whenever someone said they forgot what they were going to say: It must have been a lie. This rejoinder apparently goes back to a joke that’s been around since at least the 1920s...

stand-up overnight

stand-up overnight  n.— «Sickler said he typically flies four or five legs a day, frequently works 12-hour days and spends four or five days every week in a hotel. He said a quarter of his shifts are what the airline industry calls...

memory color

memory color  n.— «Those findings are part of a hierarchy of color sensitivity that starts with the flesh tones and, particularly, faces. After that are the apples, blue sky, green grass and more—commonly called memory colors—that people...