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drill and kill

drill and kill  v. phr.— «She said teachers spend too much time “teaching to the test” or as they call it, “drill and kill.”» —“Is ‘No Child Left Behind’ passing the test five years later?” by Guy...


handicaptivity  n.— «The systems of today support what I call “handicaptivity.” We need systematic transformation. Instead of measuring satisfaction with mental health services, which is too low a standard, we need to evaluate...

vision strip

vision strip  n.— «Indeed, during the 1970s, many districts, including San Diego Unified, began to construct new schools with no windows. Educators argued that windows prevented students from concentrating; architects of these schools...


spokesweasel  n.— «This garnered the expected responses from Left Blogsvania and Tancredo dispatched a spokesweasel to put some “ah, that was all hypothetical” counterspin on his initial comments.» —“Bob Harris reads the...

pen-down strike

pen-down strike  n.— «Bandhs, hartals, pen-down strike, work-to-rule agitation…the Left has a huge list of euphemisms for simply not working.» —“Tragically funny” News Today (Chennai, India) June 29, 2005...


boondocking  n.— «They were friends, and on the night she was killed, Paula, Brett Harris and Karen Winfield went “boondocking” along the river in Harris’ Toyota Land Cruiser.» —“Mother Left With Pain, Hate” by...