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boohoo breakfast

boohoo breakfast  n.— «“It’s the first realization that they will leave you at some point,” said Mary Morel, a mother of four, including 5-year-old twins who started kindergarten at Safety Harbor Elementary School on Wednesday...

postman’s holiday

postman’s holiday  n.— «Postman’s Holiday…A postman who takes a walk on his holiday is a joke. Last week the nation chuckled when it was revealed that Postmaster General James” Aloysius Farley had been granted a payless leave...


hoe-chucker  n.— «The Vancouver parks board received two log-loaders yesterday from Finning Canada and Caterpillar to aid in Stanley Park’s restoration. The half-million-dollar machines, commonly called hoe chuckers, are used to play a log...


MOAC  n.— «Thorne said IED explosions can leave large craters—some as big as 80 feet wide. He said the massive holes are commonly referred to as MOACs, or Mother Of All Craters. “Sometimes they are four lanes wide,” he said. “It will take...

dog runner

dog runner  n.— «“Dog running went from unheard of to über-hip,” said William Sharp, a part-time dog walker in San Francisco. “People like telling their friends, ‘I have to leave a key for Fifi’s dog runner.’ It’s far more sexy than ‘dog...

chook tractor

chook tractor  n.— «The “chook tractor” is a time old permaculture concept as far as i can tell. it can be as complex or simple as you like. but the basic principle is enclose the chooks where you want to plant a garden, feed...