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bus butt

bus butt  n.— «Like many touring musicians, Navarro had a voracious appetite—he quickly gained what was known as a “bus butt,” which earned him the nickname “Fats” or “Fat Lady.”» —“Navarro, Fats...

Going to Buxtehude

Here’s another newsletter from A Way with Words. On this past weekend’s show we mused over the idea of reading books on electronic devices, talked about “tow-headed,” and got to the German origins of “going to Buxtehude...


va-j-j  n.— «Lady, one more complaint and I’ll shove a rape whistle up the Mrs. Va-J-J.» —“MTV Get Off the Air, Part 2 (featuring Princess Superstar)” by MC Paul Barman It’s Very Stimulating Feb. 15, 2000...


witchy-poo  n.— «”People don’t understand what I do, and I have been trying to debunk the typical witchy-poo stuff from the beginning,” said Lady Sintana, a former burlesque dancer and the granddaughter of a Baptist minister...

on memo

on memo  adv. phr.— «“I can’t afford to ship on memo. Now, can I sell you anything?”…Unfortunately this buyer probably got his consignment merchandise next door. For there is a good deal of business done on memo in the handbag...


laydown  n.— «One of Walliams characters in Little Britain is famous for saying “I’m a Lady.” He looks more like a laydown—betting parlance for a certainty—to me in this line-up.» —“Little Britain Star Now Favourite For BBC...