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These Ones vs. These

The owner of a yarn store in Juneau says a customer corrected her when she pointed out a special collection of buttons and said, “You should check out these ones.” Is it incorrect to say these ones instead of just these? This is part of...

bullet line

bullet line  n.— «There’s a lot of talk about the bullet line in Juneau these days. Now we even have a bullet line czar that Gov. Sarah Palin has designated to ramrod the project—Harry Noah, a veteran and capable state official...

Vienna Sausage

A caller from Juneau, Alaska, says she was tickled when her friend from the South told her he loves “vye-EEN-ers.” It took a while before she realized he was saying Viennas, as in that finger food so often found a can, the Vienna sausage...

out the road

out the road  adv.— «“Out the road”—There is a road that goes out of Juneau northwest along the coast that dead-ends after 30 or 40-some miles. There are other roads that go a ways and dead-end, but they are shorter, and they aren’t...

jet unit

jet unit  n.— «Some Democrats in Juneau are apparently coming up with new vocabulary. “Jet units” has been suggested as an alternative to “dollars”—specifically $1.5 million—when discussing expenditures. The new...

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