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mahogany reef

mahogany reef n. a place where alcoholic drinks are served, especially in a seaside community. Editorial Note: This is a jocular expression associated with sailing and fishing. It is sometimes used as the name of an actual drinking establishment...

paper airplane

paper airplane n. in aeronautics and aerospace, a flying machine that is strictly theoretical. Editorial Note: The adjectival form paper, referring to something that exists only in print or writing but not as a physical object, is fairly common...

princess disease

princess disease n. said of a woman, one or more characteristics ascribed to a princess, such as having a high opinion of one’s self, imperious or haughty behavior, eating disorders, or, in South Korea, a desire for wealth, material goods, or a...


–tacular suffix in the forming of nouns, ‘an exciting or extravagant event’ associated with the root; in the forming of adjectives, an intensifier of the root, ‘a lot, great, large, extravagant, excessive.’ Editorial Note: Terms created with...