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shvizut  n.— «The Jewish soldier has had to invent a colorful language to express such extreme emotional states as shvizut (state of being depressed, dispirited, and fed up with everything; literally: “broken penis”) and zula...


Chrismukkah  n.— «Chrismukkah—A fusion version of Christmas for families in which one parent is Jewish and the other Christian—as in the Cohen household.» —“Guide to OC vocabulary” Telegraph (U.K.) Oct. 16, 2004...


neurobics  n.— «Neurobics is designed to keep the brain healthy by utilizing the five senses in unique and unconventional ways that serve to keep the connections between brain cells active and stimulated.» —“Get that flabby brain in...


yammy  n.— «Just before Garson took care of his bodily functions, he was overheard referring to an observant Jew as a “yammy,” which is apparently slang for yarmulke, the head covering worn by Jewish men.» —“Garson’s...


hocker n. a person who harangues, beseeches, or talks persuasively; a person who trades in information, gossip, or personal connections; someone who is (obnoxiously) ambitious. Editorial Note: Hocker is common and well-known to yeshiva students in...


hocker  n.— «We only have 5 contestants because the other 5 got stuck in Boro Park traffic behind some hocker who triple-parked his Lexus on 13th avenue.» —“Boro Park Millionaire” by ibclc@1stconnect.com Usenet: alt...