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Jew-bonics  n.— «Consisting of self-penned compositions such as “(It’s Good to Be) a Jew at Christmas” and “Shiksas Are for Practice,” the duo’s songs have found favor with more than just fellow Jews. Tannenbaum...


bun-head  n.— «I began my career as a ballet dancer, a little “bun-head,” as we were called.» —“Carole Shelley plumbs the heart of a Jewish mother” by Hedy Weiss Chicago Sun-Times Mar. 6, 1988...


frum  adj.— «“All of a sudden they decided this side of the town is not for them, they needed to go to the other side, because they’re more frum,” she said, using the Yiddish word for religious.» —“Two neighborhoods reveal...


gagglefuck  n.— «The fact of the matter is, America’s misadventure in Iraq is over, a misadventure handed to us by neo-conservatives [read Jewish Zionists], it’s become a complete gagglef*ck as they say in the cavalry and it is...

Red-Letter Christian

Red-Letter Christian  n.— «Because being evangelical is usually synonymous with being Republican in the popular mind, and calling ourselves “progressive” might be taken as a value judgment by those who do share our views, we decided not to...


coastie  n.— «Drawing outside attention to the campus Coastie phenomenon, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel printed Megan Twohey ’s article, The Great ‘Coastie Divide ” in Nov. 2005. Twohey never mentioned that it was once more common on our...