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hippo’s tooth

hippo’s tooth  n.— «At the same time, the cement bollards, affectionately known as “hippo teeth,” will be replaced by historically correct guardrails made of cedar and steel.» —“Mountain rehab is tough trek” by...


pap  v.— «3am – Papping Out.…Dane Bowers, the singer-turned-DJ, has been posing with a “mystery” blonde who exposed a breast for eager paparazzi.» —“3am – Papping Out” by Jessica Callan, Eva...


skiing  n.— «Democracy is not an excuse to gorge oneself on alcohol and drugs on Daddy’s credit card (countless posts at LNS reference “skiing” in bar restrooms, a euphemism for snorting cocaine) and then insult everyone who calls you out...

catch a charge

catch a charge  v. phr.— «When a girl is on the street and she sees a pimp on the sidewalk, she has to get off the sidewalk, into the street, and not make eye contact with him or talk to him. Otherwise, she is “out of pocket” and has...


AWOL  v.— «In one way, I knew I was wrong for AWOLing, but I probably would have been injured now, or in a hospital, or dead.» —“The 13-Year-Old Prostitute” by Jessica Lustig New York (New York City) Apr. 9...


pimp-arrest  n.— «She can also be put under “pimp-arrest,” when a group of pimps surround a girl on the sidewalk and she has to squat, put her head down, and not speak or make eye contact until her own pimp comes to get her.…“Well...