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Terms for Wooden Dressers

Ever hear anyone refer to a wooden dresser as a chester drawers? A woman who grew up in St. Louis only recently learned that not everyone uses this term. Two of the best pieces of information about chester drawers and others can be found in these...

brown town

brown town  n.— «Colchester has been labelled “brown town” by local addicts because of how easy it is to get hold of heroin.» —“ Heroin ‘cheaper than a night out’” by Richard Martin, Jessica Creighton BBC...


liphooping  n.— «Tracy Doreen Dietzel […] will close the night with a short performance piece involving lip-synching and hula hooping, something she refers to as liphooping.» —“The abridged guide to Spring Gallery...

pink yuan

pink yuan  n.— «Last year, a study claimed that, by 2015, Chinese women would control $260 billion of the country’s purchasing power (there is even a name for it: the pink yuan).» —“Going Olympic” by Jessica...


sagger  n.— «It’s his pants: they’re hanging off his hips, below his butt to reveal a pair of gray boxer shorts. “I’ve been sagging since the fourth grade,” the 28-year-old says. “I’ll be sagging when I’m old and gray...

platinum triangle

platinum triangle  n.— «He knows of at least 20 20,000-plus square-foot homes under construction or about to break ground in what he called the “platinum triangle” of wealthy areas in Los Angeles County: Beverly Hills, Bel-Air...