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TagJello salad

Pooflapoo Pie

Whip up a big batch of pistachio pudding, then add pineapple, walnuts, Cool Whip, and marshmallow bits, and what do you have? A Los Angeles woman says her grandmother used to make a dish with those ingredients that she called pooflapoo pie. Is that...

Words of the Year 2007

Nominations for Word of the Year 2007  In this episode, Grant offers peek at some expressions he’s nominating for the American Dialect Society‘s Word of the Year vote in January. Will it be “w00t,”...

Potluck or Pitch-In

Get out your plastic utensils and pull up a folding chair! A caller’s question about the origin of the word potluck stirs up mouthwatering memories of crispy fried chicken, warm peach cobbler, and Jell-O salad with marshmallows. Okay, the Jell...

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