mix-up n.— «While both he and Dr Blythe are believed to harbour ambitions of political leadership, Dr Davies’ are perhaps more credible. He is not perceived to be involved, in Jamaican parlance, in “mix-up.” Indeed, recently...
pep n.— «The introduction of live vocals to the sound systems—which began innocently as just another way to top Dodd?s competition—started in 1956 when Downbeat’s Winston “Count” Machuki stepped out from behind his turntable...
v.— «Tracing war. A who upset CeCile?…Massa all under the hair dryer she a cuss and carry on.» —“Montel Talk!” Jamaica Gleaner (Kingston, Jamaica) Aug. 23, 2001. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)
trace v.— «As that genre of Jamaican music has increased in popularity, the style has become one of tenement-yard-style tracing, and those Jamaicans who are accustomed to a daily life in which such “tracing matches” are...
trace v. to swear or to curse (at someone or something). (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)
browning v.— «I am what Jamaicans call a “Browning”…So what is a “Browning” exactly. I am a Jamaican of mixed ethnicity.» —“My Dossier” by Mad Bull The Mad Bull’s Blog July 3, 2002...