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sagger  n.— Â«It’s his pants: they’re hanging off his hips, below his butt to reveal a pair of gray boxer shorts. “I’ve been sagging since the fourth grade,” the 28-year-old says. “I’ll be sagging when I’m old and gray...

pass-through contract

pass-through contract  n.— Â«Because the federal government does not deal directly with private detention businesses, Nueces County is in the process of negotiating a new federal prisoner housing rate for its own jail as well as a rate for...

border shopping

border shopping  n.— Â«Since coming back to Canada, he’s tried to cross again, unsuccessfully, at other ports of entry—because his U.S. employer still wants him back. Gibbons said, each time, he was made to feel more and more like a...


joey  n.— Â«Every time Amy goes to jail to visit her incarcerated Blake, she takes along personalized photos of herself so that her husband can exchange them for “Joey’s.” Apparently, that’s slang for a hit of heroin.» â€”“Amy’s Husband...

shock probation

shock probation  n.— Â«A state district judge in Texas on Thursday revoked Taylor’s probation from a state felony drug possession charge, sentencing him to two years in jail. She then suspended the sentence for five years under a process...

gate fever

gate fever  n.—Gloss: in the U.K., a prisoner’s growing preoccupation with leaving jail as a scheduled release date approaches. Â«I received over 700 letters of support while in Pentonville which massively boosted my morale each day...

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