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fleshing iron

fleshing iron  n.— «Twelve-year-old Trent Hall watched in fascination as blacksmith Charlie Bradley, of Culloden, W.Va., took a length of hot iron and forged it into a fleshing iron—that’s another name for a big, long fork...

cold iron

cold iron  v.— «The captain…explained that the supercarrier had no power of her own; she was “cold iron.”» —“Carrier Saratoga Floated for Final Fitting as World’s Most Powerful Ship” by Michael...


cold-iron v. (of a ship) to receive electricity, heat, water, and other utilities from shoreside. Editorial Note: The noun “cold iron” refers to a ship that cannot or does not operate under its own power, as seen in the 1956 and 1963...

frog breathing

frog breathing  n.— «The two spent several months perfecting a breathing technique known as “frog breathing,” taking small, quick breaths. This allowed Mr. Alexander to spend time outside of the iron lung.» —“In iron lung...

iron ranger

iron ranger  n.— «Assuming you don’t, just put in an Iron Ranger (locked pipe with envelope slot), some envelopes and a sign saying “Pay $5/overnite or get Denver-Booted.” » —“Re: Some basic questions?” by Pete...

iron ranger

iron ranger  n.— «This is supposed to be a PUBLIC parking lot at a State Beach where patrons are supposed to display a receipt from the iron ranger parking dispenser or, have a State Parks pass attached to the windshield.» —“State...