The story goes that hemlines rise and fall with the stock market. If that’s the case, then we hope it’s not long before we’re all hearing people exclaim, “Why, that skirt is almost up to possible!” An Iowa listener...
may state n.— «Applicants also must meet state and federal requirements for possessing firearms—they cannot be under indictment or convicted of a felony, have a mental health history, be convicted of domestic violence, among others. Iowa...
shall state n.— «Applicants also must meet state and federal requirements for possessing firearms—they cannot be under indictment or convicted of a felony, have a mental health history, be convicted of domestic violence, among others...
Minnewisowa n.— Note: Similar to FLOHPA from the 2004 election. «The visits, the 11th and 12th to Minnesota, Wisconsin and Iowa in just over a month by Obama, John McCain and their running mates, were the latest evidence of just how...
yac n.— «The buzzword in Ames this preseason has been “yac” —- as in “yards after catch.” Chizik calls that stat “Cyclone yards.”» —“Cyclone receivers ready to explode” by Kelly...
laborshed n.— «The first-ever Quad-Cities Graduate Inventory determined that 47,700 graduates are being produced annually within a 90-mile radius, which is considered the laborshed area for the Quad-Cities.» —“Illinois Q-C Chamber...