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Episode 1607

Old College Try

In just seconds, online text generators and chatbots can produce whole paragraphs of sophisticated prose. But what do advances in artificial intelligence mean for writers? What is lost and what’s gained when machine-writing replaces the work...

stay behind

stay behind  n.β€” Β«I’ll make it worse. I think he’s put people left. He’s put people back. They call it a stay behind. It’s sort of an intelligence term of art. When you leave a country and, you know, you’ve...


Cybergeddon  n.β€” Β«A new term “Cybergeddon” has been coined, relating to the potential loss of intellectual property, intelligence infrastructure and related industries dealing primarily in data exchange or storage. The target...

pocket litter

pocket litter  n.β€” Β«Because the format of the data in the current database is “complex, undocumented, and brittle,” some significant data will be lost when the system is replaced by Railhead, according to the congressional...

mis lit

mis lit  n.β€” Β«Nowadays, there is a mania for memoirs, and in fact there are so many of them that they have come to be called in some quarters “mis lit” (misery literature).Β» β€”β€œLarry McMurtry on Cormac, Heaven’s Gate, and...


rapey  adj.β€” Β«Is Paul Janka A Wee Bit Rapey?…You already knew he was a pervert. Turns out his tactics borrow heavily from the date rape handbook!Β» β€”β€œFresh Intelligence: Is Paul Janka A Wee Bit Rapey?” by Neel...

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