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honey trapper

honey trapper  n.— «Martinez is a “honey trapper”—or as he likes to call himself, an “integrity tester”—one of a growing team of private detectives who are hired by wives, husbands or partners to test the loyalty of...

shut up and color

shut up and color  v. phr.— «While the Air Force warmly embraced “Integrity First” and “Excellence in All We Do,” many Airmen in 1997 and today believe “Service Before Self” is just the Air Force telling...

lean forward

lean forward  v. phr.— «When we have a problem or a concern, he leans forward to address it but it’s done with integrity and in the scope of honor, one for which you’re proud of.» —“House Armed Services Committee Holds Hearing On FY...

shelf shout

shelf shout  n.— «Graphic design is vital for companies seeking “shelf-shout” for a new product or a striking public face that will reflect the company’s quality and integrity through a business card or letterhead...

sack up

sack up  v.— «I heard the term “butch up” while watching “Die Hard With a Vengeance” last night.…I have transgressed the term to be more encompassing to be used more like “grow some balls,”...