TagInformation and communications technology

hub dot

hub dot  n.β€” Β«The inside of this insert contained the actual Blu-ray disk. The disk was attached to the cardboard with a so-called “hub dot,” a small foam button used to fasten CDs and DVDs to all kinds of surfaces...


If you work in the software industry, you may already know the term dogfooding, which means “to use one’s own product.” Grant explains how dogfood became a verb. This is part of a complete episode.

Etymology of Stereotype

Everyone knows the term stereotype, but did you ever stop to wonder what the word has to do with stereos? Not much, really. But it does derive from the world of printing. This is part of a complete episode.


We share a listener’s email about nicknames for the city of Vancouver, Canada. How about Word-couver? This is part of a complete episode.


Grant shares listener email about the origin and meaning of the term g-job. This is part of a complete episode.