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touchback  n.— «In addition, undocumented immigrants who have been in the United States for two to five years, no matter where they live, would have to travel back to a port-of-entry on the U.S. border, such as El Paso, Texas, and go back...


touchback  n.— «On one side are those who believe that progressives should not support federal legislation that offers less than complete and unconditional amnesty for undocumented immigrants. This means no compromises around “guest...


hitling  n.— «Attaching labels such as “racist” or even “Fascist” to anyone criticizing massive immigration or Multiculturalism has become so common that Norwegian anti-Islamists have coined a new word for it:...


migra  n.— «“People were lured, they were herded by coyotes, hunted by the migras (slang for immigration officers), lured into traps, devoured by labor,” Santa Ana said. “They are beasts of burden, and we have to ferret them...

second wall

second wall  n.— «Mr Tsao pointed out that in addition to the stress of having to pass the exam, there is the financial hurdle: naturalisation currently costs $US400 ($A506) to complete, and may rise to $US800 under current proposals. His...

anchor baby

anchor baby  n.— «Stein contends undocumented aliens should not be allowed to benefit because they have children born in this country. Turning a blind eye to such issues, Stein asserted, encourages immigrant families to conceive...